Saturday, 26 November 2011

Time For Climbing!

Its November, theres Holiday to take - We're heading to Wales! A collection of us headed up for a week in the hills and mountains! This week was the best weather I'd ever had in Snowdonia! I actually saw off the top of Snowdon!!!!! We covered a few peaks, some classic climbs, urbexed an old ammo bump and trekked across the old quarries!

Little Tryfan with a GoPro!

The guys with Snowdon in the background

The view from on top!

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

The Discovery Of New Fire Games!

With it being November and Fireworks Night this month it sparked, excuse the pun, us off to discover new toys, tricks and party talents with fire. Most of our weekends this month have consisted of breathing fire, spitting fire and stinking of paraffin! However it has allowed for some awesome photos!

Boggy and his Sparks! 

Darwin Breathing!